Where do the biggest agency clients ACTUALLY come from?

“That’s a great client you have, where did you find them?”

90% of the time, the answer that follows isn’t much use and will contain little factual truth that’ll help you in your own quest for new leads. We’ve all heard it before I’m sure - the brags, the tall tails, the evangelised anecdotes about how and where a new client came from.

The truth is, lead generation for agencies isn’t a quick fix, there’s no silver bullet and it’s usually a result of hard work, consistency and focus.

Sound familiar?

In order for agencies to truly optimise their marketing, for them to be focussing in the areas that really matter and for them to be truly efficient, they need to know where clients are coming from - and where they’re ACTUALLY coming from.

That’s why we’re launching the Agency Growth Survey 2024 / 25, specifically uncovering where the biggest agency clients have come from. The results will help agencies:

Discover the truth behind where the biggest clients are coming from

  • De-bunk the myths about how long it really takes to win your biggest clients

  • Benchmark your efforts against the rest of the industry

  • Help you optimise your own marketing and lead generation efforts

We can only do this by collecting as much insight as possible - insight that sits in the heads and in the pipelines are agency founders like you and this is where we need your help.

Taking part

Taking part is simple and not only will you be contributing to the one of the industry’s largest surveys, you’ll also get early access to the final report and to view the findings before anyone else.

The short survey will take about 10 minutes to complete but you’ll need a few things to hand before you start to make it as simple as possible.

- A few details about your agency (Hopefully you don’t need to prepare this!)

- Topline details on your current, largest 3 clients - staff count / turnover / industry etc

- Details where each client came from - touchpoints / original contact source / sales cycle / revenue

- Why those chose you

And fear not - everything will be 100% anonymous and any and all details will be treated under the strictest of confidence. There will only be a very small team who see the raw data, overseen by me, and if you know me well enough, you’ll know I take this stuff seriously!

The Results

As I promised, by completing the survey, you’ll get early access to report before the rest of the industry. I’ll be sharing the results publicly for the first time during my talk at the Agencynomics Big Event in September but you’ll get a copy of the report as soon as it’s ready in the summer.

Ready to take part? 👉 https://bit.ly/cactusgrowthsurvey

Dan Archer - Managing Partner - Growth Marketing

An experienced agency marketer, Dan has spent over a decade in the agency growth space, creating and leading marketing strategies and initiatives that have been transformational for their businesses.


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