The Agencynomics Book

Agencynomics - Grow your agency to the first £5m and beyond

Agencynomics is a book for any agency owner, founder or shareholder on how to scale a business from start-up to the first £5m and beyond in revenue. It will also be a useful guide for those who work in agencies and those in much larger agencies that may have forgotten or lost some of the things they used to do so well.

An Amazon bestseller

This is a fully revised and updated version, first published in 2018. We were overwhelmed by the positive feedback after writing the first version of the book - an Amazon bestseller that has sold thousands of copies to over 50 countries globally.

Despite the success of the first version, we have learned so much more that would help agency founders scale their business that we felt compelled to write a second version.

The impact of the pandemic has changed the business of running an agency dramatically, which compounded our reasons to update the book.

Written by Spencer Gallagher and Pete Hoole, this fully revised edition contains over 50% new content and includes 40 ways to scale your agency.

“You’ve started a valuable agency with a life of its own. Agencynomics will guide you through the roadblocks to get you to the next level of growth, whatever stage you are at”

- Daniel Priestley

The Agencynomics book is available in a number of different formats


*If you’re listening via the Audiobook, you can access all images and graphics here.