Cactus Agency Health Check

Our health checks are a quick and simple method for gauging the overall health of your agency.

Taking just 10 minutes to complete, we'll return your score quickly along with a set of recommendations on how you can improve your score.



Take our grow health check if you're interested in how your agency performs against our core criteria for growth. You'll receive a % score back within a few hours and some suggestions for what to do next.



If you're interested in buying another agency to scale through acquisition, our buy health check will provide you with an insight into how ready your agency is to acquire another.



If an exit is on your mind, our sell health check will help you understand how ready you are to take your agency to market. We can advise on where and how to strengthen your score and ensure your agency valuation is as high as possible.


Service Delivery

Take our service delivery health check to stress-test your processes and procedures, delivery efficiency and operational effectiveness. We’ll help you understand where your areas for improvement are and how to increase profitability.

  • "We wouldn’t be in the great position we are now without the support we received from the Cactus team”

    - Nathan Lomax - Founder, Quickfire Digital